ACH0751 Emaux Cashmer
The newDentelle Cashmer line from the lingerie brand Lise Charmel offers models embroidered with 9 threads on printed silk. This delicate work of embroidery and multi-strand tulle offers a sophisticated and elegant look. But Lise Charmel does not only create lingerie as a fashion piece, but also adds comfort and support for all types of breasts.
The Lise Charmel Dentelle Cashmer Bikini offers modern sensuality with its lace and original floral graphics. The lace is designed to give a modern sensuality to your body. It's a perfect fit for a slimmer and more slender figure.
Hand washing: the recommended washWhen washing, do not wring or twist your lingerie, press it gently to keep its elasticity.
Use a delicate soap and wash gently without scrubbing.
We recommend using Soak.
Choose to air-dry your lingerie, always drying it flat.
To keep moulded cups shape when washing, do not fold them.
Avoid using bleaching products, it may turn your lingerie yellow!